A weekend in November 2016 I learned how to make screen prints on paper. Teacher was Alexandra Hedberg who shows the steps in a short video. The course was given at the collective workshop in Gothenburg (KKV).
Screen print means that one forces the paint through a fine net, finer for print on paper than on textiles. It is a printing method that do not depend on heavy printing machines, which means that it is possible to print at home. You see on the two photos below how Alexandra Hedberg organizes a simple workplace.
We used photographic methods to put our motives on to the net, but one can easely cut forms out of thin paper. When paint has been spread on the net these paper forms stay in place without glue due to capillarity.
One of the interesting aspects of print is that one can study how colour changes the expression of a motive. See my examples below. The first one, also show how difficult it is to get many colours in their right places.
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