Women all over the vorld have much to carry literally and figuratively. Women work more than men and are nearly always less paid. Worse: many women have no security, neither at home nor outside in society.
In many countries the development seems to go the wrong way, with diminishing security: in Egypt sexual harassment since 2005 is a growing problem; 2005 the president Mubarak let the police recruit gangs for the punishing of females who participated in the oppositions demonstrations. Now a ”HarassMap” has been necessary as a weapon against the everyday sexual harassment. This map shows that 70 percent of those harassed have had some kind of veil, so there is no security in conforming to religious or other kinds of male demands.*
There is only one way for women: solidarity and constant fight against male strategies aimed at securing all power to men, and all riches including women, and all freedom.
*Source: the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet 31 of January 2013, pp. 16-17. Journalist: Ia Wadendal.